Haberland, Hartmut and Janus Mortensen. 2016. Transcription as second-order entextualization: The challenge of heteroglossia. In Alessandro Capone and Jacob L. Mey (eds.). Interdisciplinary studies in pragmatics, culture and society. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 4, 581-600.
Mortensen, Janus and Spencer Hazel. To appear, 2016. Lending bureaucracy voice – developing cultural and linguistic norms in transient multilingual communities. In Anna Mauranen, Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Svetlana Vetchinnikova (eds.). Changing English: Global and Local Perspectives. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
Kraft, Kamilla and Dorte Lønsmann. To appear, 2016. A language ideological landscape: The complex map in international companies in Denmark. In Tamah Sherman and Jiri Nekvapil (eds.). English in Business and Commerce: Interactions and policies. De Gruyter.
Barfod, Sonja. To appear, 2016. On the non-use of English in a multinational company. In Tamah Sherman and Jiří Nekvapil (eds.). English in Business and Commerce: Interactions and policies. Berlin: de Gruyter.
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