


Haberland, Hartmut. 2014. English from above and below, and from outside. In: English in Nordic Universities. Ideologies and practices, 252-264. Eds. Anna Kristina Hultgren, Frans Gregersen and Jacob Thøgersen. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Lønsmann, Dorte. 2014. Language ideologies in a Danish company with English as a corporate language: ‘It has to be English’. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development [2014: 1-18].


Lønsmann, Dorte. 2014. Linguistic diversity in the international workplace: language ideologies and processes of exclusion. Multilingua–Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication 33(1-2): 89-116. [special issue: Multilingualism at Work].

Here you can browse through some publications by LINGCORP researchers. In some cases prefinal versions will be available. Please note that these may not be quoted without prior consent from the author(s).

Publications 2015

Publications 2016