Sub-theme 31, Athens 2015

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity in Organizations

European Group for Organizational Studies


Martyna Śliwa, University of Essex, UK


Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Hanken School of Economics, Finland


Marjana Johansson, University of Essex, UK



We invite conceptual and empirical papers that respond to, but are not limited by, the following questions:

  1. 1How can a sociolinguistic perspective on globalization inform our understanding of organizational processes within linguistically diverse settings?

  2. 2What is the role of linguistic diversity in the formation and perpetuation of organizational hierarchies and power relations?

  3. 3How do different ways of using an official corporate language affect the evaluations made about employees and managers in linguistically diverse organizations?

  4. 4How does language relate to other perceived attributes such as competence and trustworthiness, which might affect individuals' careers?

  5. 5How does linguistic diversity create and shape the roles of boundary spanners, bridgemakers, or compradors, especially with regard to what power they may exert and with what kind of organizational effects?